Have you ever watched toddlers play? If you ever watch more than one toddler at a time, this particular scenario is bound to to happen. Let’s call the first toddler Jane and the second toddler Olivia. (If your name happens to be Jane or Olivia, I’m sure you've never a part of this kind of scenario.) Jane is playing with a doll. She is having so much fun that Olivia takes notice. Olivia crawls over to Jane, looks at her...and rips the doll out of her hands. If you have ever seen this happen, you know exactly what's going to happen next. Jane begins to cry. Jane is distraught that Olivia had the power to take her doll. Jane doesn’t know how to move on. Jane is stuck. Jane forgot that there was someone in the room who has watched this whole thing happen. She forgot that there was someone who could come to the rescue. Jane doesn’t know that her peace, her calling and her destiny is not in Olivia’s hands, but is in the hands of that someone who was in the room the whole time.
Just like Jane, we often look to the people around us as if they have the power to steal not just our doll, but our calling, our peace and our destiny.
Have you ever had your ability, position and even motives questioned? It is at these times that we may feel like we can’t go on. We may be tempted to think that in the pit of despair we are alone. Thoughts begin to flood our mind. Thoughts like "I am the only one that have ever been so mistreated or falsely accused." We want nothing more than to seek revenge and get justice. Take heart. Jesus has been exactly where you have been. He was mistreated, betrayed and even had His motives called into question.
The only way we can make it through the times where the people threaten to steal our peace and our destiny is to pay attention to how Jesus handled it.
If you read through the life of Jesus, you will see how often He was attacked by people. They questioned his authority, his motives and actions. They tried everything to stop him from accomplishing what God had sent him to do. Jesus, never allowed His critics to determine His steps. We need to do the same. Never forget that Jesus never calls us to endure anything He has not endured Himself.
Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
There are times in our lives where we can feel the sting of peoples words. Just like Jane, we allow these blows to rattle us. These times can tempt us to give up. Remember what Jesus went through and remember that He didn't throw in the towel. He kept going and finished what He was sent here to do. God has called you and called me to a specific journey and destiny. His vision for our lives is one of peace and victory. If we can learn to lean on the one who calls us, we can trust that He will go before us. Jesus never gave up or allowed His critics to shake Him and the world was never the same.
"Never be driven by your critics, but be led by the Holy Spirit." -Eddie Lyons