How It All Started
I am a missionary kid and a pastor’s kid. Growing up, every time the doors where open, we were at church. I was in Sunday school every week. I heard all the Bible stories. I sang all the songs. I loved church. I probably loved seeing all my friends and the snacks more than anything. I did really like the stories and enjoyed singing songs about this great big God. I had great comfort in knowing that my mom and dad had a personal relationship with this God I sang about. It somehow made me feel good to know I had a connection through my parents. One day, at lunch, I was talking to my dad about all the different Bible stories I knew. I don’t remember all of the details of that conversation, but what I do remember is that, in that moment, I felt God whisper to my little heart… “Tiffany, all of these stories..David and Goliath, Daniel and the lions den, Jesus on the Cross…It’s all one big story of how much I love you!” At that moment, I realized that I was a sinner and that I needed Jesus. I prayed a simple prayer. “God, forgive me for my sins. I believe Jesus died on the cross and rose again. Please come into my heart and take me to heaven when I die. Amen”.
Immediately after I invited Jesus into my life to be my Lord and Savior, I was on mission to tell everyone. Before I knew it, I was telling my neighbor friend. I remember telling her about this amazing thing called salvation and how God loves us so much. She was not as enthusiastic as I had hoped for. I asked her if she wanted to pray and invite Jesus to be her Savior…just as I had recently done. To my shock, she declined. I thought “no problem, she wouldn’t do it - I’ll just pray for her”. Mission accomplished - or so I thought. I had a lot to learn- like how God gives us the choice to choose Him or not. While I didn’t know a lot, what I do know is that my enthusiasm was spot on. We should be so compelled by what God has done for us that we start telling others. My neighbor friend didn’t accept Christ that day, but years later she did, and that is something to celebrate!