
I’m the oldest of five kids and my youngest brother, James, has Down Syndrome. James is AMAZING! He’s been in our family for 21 years now and we still can’t get over him! James if full of life and celebrates just about everything! His level of enthusiasm over ordinary…everyday kind of things is…well…I would guess it’s more than the rest of us would have. 

Every Thursday night, James asks my dad. “Dad, guess what?” To this, my dad says “What James?” With great gusto and enthusiasm James says “Tomorrow is….TRASH DAY!”

I know what you are thinking…Does trash day mean something different in Missouri? Nope…it’s the same deal as all over the country. We roll out the trash…the trash truck picks it up…the end. But James celebrates trash day! 

When James opens his presents on Christmas day he shouts for joy and shrieks with delight when he opens the nerf gun he has been asking for over the last six months. When he opens his next gift he does the same thing. He shouts for joy and shrieks with delight as he opens…wait for it…a can of green Pringles.

This boy knows how to celebrate! Another thing James does almost involuntarily is match the mood of the room. Sometimes he walks in a room where we are all celebrating. He has no idea why or what we are celebrating, but he jumps right in the celebration. Most of the time with a dance move or two. (music welcomed, but not necessary) There are other times he walks into the room as we are processing some tough circumstances. If someone is crying, James feels it. It’s like he can feel the shift in the atmosphere. He may not know what is going on, but his demeanor becomes more somber. Then, with sympathy, he tries to show some comfort to anyone who seems like they could use it. 

James isn’t the only one who matches the mood of a room. I do this and you do this. In fact, we all do this, don’t we? When I am at Disney Land and I see the princes, princesses and Mickey Mouse smiling at me…I can’t help but smile back. It’s the happiest place on earth and 9 times out of 10 when I’m there my mood is matching! Just like I so easily match the mood when I walk into Disney Land, when I walk into the DMV I match the mood. It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what kind of mood that is. I scan the room and it is full of people who don’t want to be there. They are irritated, a permanent frown is on their face. And just like that…I match the mood. I get irritated. I settle into the mood that is in the room. 

You know, the same way that James can feel the emotion in the room is the same way we can match the mood of the room. The people who walk through the doors of our churches look to you and I and they are matching our moods. The greeter at the door, the volunteer in the nursery and the singer on the stage...they are all affected by our mood.  

Every week we have people who are walking through the doors of our church who are not even sure what they think of Jesus yet. They just know that they are desperate for something and they thought they would give church a try. The mood they feel when they walk in can absolutely change the trajectory of their eternity. If they walk in and the joy they see in our faces is real and the love that we have for each other is visible, they just might match the mood. They may begin to smile. They may begin to be open to this idea of Jesus even before they ever hear the message. 

Mood is no small thing. We have to have a mood worth matching. This seems like a great concept, but what do we do when we are having a bad day? Do we paint a smile on our face and fake it? No way! People can spot fake fast. 

So what do we do then? I’m glad you asked!

Romans 15:13 says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

You see, we have to intentionally shift our eyes from our circumstances to the God that we say we serve. I’m not telling you to pretend the things in our lives that hurt are not there. In fact, I think it’s good to tell God how bad it can difficult your situation is. But the key is this: Just like our circumstances are real, our God is real. He is a God of HOPE and His desires is to fill us with joy and peace as we trust Him. If at our core we believe that God is good, that God does good, and that God works all things together for good – Then we can have a joy that is so much bigger than our circumstances. We can have a hope that absolutely carries us. 

You see our goal is not to paste a smile on our face, but to allow the God of hope to fill us with joy and peace…so that we will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we allow our hope to overflow….people are going to walk into church. They may not know what is going on…but they will feel this joy around them. I believe that God can use a mood worth matching to draw people to Him.


If you are looking for a GREAT book, I wanted to share this one with you! Alicia Britt Chole writes about Jesus' hidden years and yours. 

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The father’s work in us does not sleep–though in spiritual winters he retracts all advertisements. And when he does so, he is purifying our faith, strengthening our character, conserving our energy, and preparing us for the future.
— Alicia Britt Chole

Have you ever watched toddlers play? If you ever watch more than one toddler at a time, this particular scenario is bound to to happen. Let’s call the first toddler Jane and the second toddler Olivia. (If your name happens to be Jane or Olivia, I’m sure you've never a part of this kind of scenario.) Jane is playing with a doll. She is having so much fun that Olivia takes notice. Olivia crawls over to Jane, looks at her...and rips the doll out of her hands. If you have ever seen this happen, you know exactly what's going to happen next. Jane begins to cry. Jane is distraught that Olivia had the power to take her doll. Jane doesn’t know how to move on. Jane is stuck. Jane forgot that there was someone in the room who has watched this whole thing happen. She forgot that there was someone who could come to the rescue. Jane doesn’t know that her peace, her calling and her destiny is not in Olivia’s hands, but is in the hands of that someone who was in the room the whole time.  

Just like Jane, we often look to the people around us as if they have the power to steal not just our doll, but our calling, our peace and our destiny.

Have you ever had your ability, position and even motives questioned? It is at these times that we may feel like we can’t go on. We may be tempted to think that in the pit of despair we are alone. Thoughts begin to flood our mind. Thoughts like "I am the only one that have ever been so mistreated or falsely accused." We want nothing more than to seek revenge and get justice. Take heart. Jesus has been exactly where you have been. He was mistreated, betrayed and even had His motives called into question. 

The only way we can make it through the times where the people threaten to steal our peace and our destiny is to pay attention to how Jesus handled it. 

If you read through the life of Jesus, you will see how often He was attacked by people. They questioned his authority, his motives and actions. They tried everything to stop him from accomplishing what God had sent him to do. Jesus, never allowed His critics to determine His steps. We need to do the same. Never forget that Jesus never calls us to endure anything He has not endured Himself. 

Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

There are times in our lives where we can feel the sting of peoples words. Just like Jane, we allow these blows to rattle us. These times can tempt us to give up. Remember what Jesus went through and remember that He didn't throw in the towel. He kept going and finished what He was sent here to do. God has called you and called me to a specific journey and destiny. His vision for our lives is one of peace and victory. If we can learn to lean on the one who calls us, we can trust that He will go before us. Jesus never gave up or allowed His critics to shake Him and the world was never the same. 

"Never be driven by your critics, but be led by the Holy Spirit." -Eddie Lyons

Total Devotion

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

Often I can devote myself to a lot things. Good things even. I devote myself to my work, my family, reading leadership books, listening to sermons and podcasts. These are great things to that shouldn’t be neglected. If Im not careful I can spend all my time listening to what other people are saying about God that I neglect to spend time with Him myself. I’m not saying to stop listening to podcasts or work hard. What I am saying is that we can’t neglect something this powerful. We have to plugged into the power source, into this life breathing relationship that cannot be replaced. 

I have decided to devote myself to prayer this year. The very first thing I do when I wake up is spend time praying to the God of the universe. I get to talk to Him and listen to what He has to say to me. It doesn’t just stop there. I am praying with an alert mind and a thankful heart. I don’t just pray out of duty. This kind of prayer is alive and active and goes beyond the beginning of my day and follows me to work. I have started the day with God and continue to walk with Him. I start see how He leads me and answers prayers with an alert mind. I start to realize his fingerprints in my day to day life and my heart is full of gratitude. When you start to pray with an alert mind, God will show up and you will have no other response but thankfulness. 

My Prayer for 2016

"I dedicate this year to you. I don’t know what any of these days to come hold, but I know who holds them. I want this year to be a year of total devotion to you. I believe that you are big and in control and could do great things on my behalf. I love that about you Lord. This year I want to seek your face with even more zeal than I seek your mighty works. don’t get me wrong. I want to see you work mightily. I pray that you would do big things amongst us, but I don’t want to love what you do for me more than I love you. Jesus help me clear out space for our relationship to grow. I pray that you would fill this space. God I pray that you would guide my steps this year. I’m all yours. I love you Jesus and I’ll meet you here every morning."